Twilight, Twilight, Twilight. Neither me or any of my guy friends have ever heard of this book or movie. Yet every female I know seems to be obsessed. That being considered, I'm quite shocked that I'd never heard of this at all!
So I saw the movie last night, without having read the book, or having any idea about the movie...... and I was entertained.
I felt like I was at the premiere of the 4th Star Wars movie. Instead of being in a theatre full of nerdy guys, I was in a room of bright eyed girls..... but the energy was the same. You could feel it vibrating through the room.
Truth be told, I slept through the first 10 minutes....LOL. But the rest was good enough to keep me awake!
Twilight is the classic story of forbidden love. Think Romeo and Juliet for vampires. Thankfully, the movie kept a good pace. It developed the characters enough, without letting it drag on. Another massive theme was protection. I'm talking about the ultimate protection for the one that you love. Protection from you, as well as protection from the outside world. And with that protection come ultimate trust. Can she trust that she will always be protected. Think about that..... as far as I'm concerned, you can't have true love without protection and trust, and that's what this movie portrays for these two.
The movie was quite stylised as well, with a very cold colour pallet and cool camera work.
Some parts got pretty "fromage", but it didn't take away too much.
Then there was the moment before the first kiss between vampire boy and human girl. You could feel the anticipation in the room. It was all quite amusing for me actually. Every single female in the audience was holding their breath.... then BANG! Climax! Literally and figuratively! LOL
So guys... take your women to this movie. Like I said, I could sense how hot and bothered every woman in the room was. Not to mention there's a few good action scenes and a few laughs to keep the men entertained.
Plus vampire boy is a crazy good driver.... (I'm in love with Audi now!)
Twilight gets a 8.5 on 10 on the Tripp Scale!
1 comment:
seems likely that they will come out with a Twilight sequel pretty soon, there's a crazy lot of ticket sales at stake
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